all you need is my uhn tiss, uhn tiss, uhn tiss
an alethia of indifference evolves to a veritas of difference, The human condition can transform itself quickly without reason into something completely different. A polity of oppression can be transformed from a negative condition to a positive one. Can we change the entire nature of the Polity just by changing the way we view ourselves and the world around us? By rethinking the notion of "truth" can we resist the metaphysical desire and lack to control everything around us? Does it even matter if were successful? We've gone through over 2,000 years of imperialist decimation and seen sovereignty transform itself over 600 times to produce and reiterate its violence, so why the fuck are we so damned scared of trying something different. Between the suicidal terracide were on route to now and the legacy of genocide behind us i think its not too much to ask that we stop acting like dickheads (literally). The real question is do we as a society have the balls and ovaries to look the person in the mirror in the face and say "WE DESERVE BETTER!"?
I dont think so, but i really dont care, ill continue to think differently and attempt to recover myself, if the rest of society doesnt want to...well, whatever.
I want a lover I don't have to love
I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full
I need some meaning I can memorize
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind
But you but you
You write such pretty words
But life's no story book
Love is an excuse to get hurt
And to hurt "Do you like to hurt?"
"I do! I do!"
"Then hurt me."
Debate, ah debate, the love of my last seven years and next seven. So i went to texas for a week for two tournaments. I sware to god sometimes i perform like i cant ever be beaten, and then sometimes its like watching a twelve year old girl trying to shave her legs for the first time, its just painful and messy.
Avery and I went 4-3 in prelims at North Texas, we were 1-3 after day one and had to win 3 straight debates to stay in it, and we did. We lost in Partial Double Octafinals on a 2-1...i hate losing. Technically this is still my freshman year in debate ( i didnt use eligibility my 2nd semester of my frosh year) so ive still got three years of debate left after this year.
At University of Texas at Dallas it was a much different story - I spoke much better at this tourney. We went 3-1 on first day and won our fourth round against the university of Texas. We lost to the 8th seed in the tourney in double octafinals also on a 2-1. We felt much better after that. Either way, were on the road searching for that second round bid to the NDT, I hope it works out, My god weve been working so much, my body is getting worn down. But, this is the home stretch and i gotta do it right.
I got all my scholarships, im getting paid way too much to do this activity. I went to the casino tonight with phil and came out with $104 profit.
My classes are awesome, I have sportscasting (oh wow its awesome), Social Psychology, Economics on Social Issues, and Contemporary Political Issues.
I watched My Boss's Daughter with KB yesterday. It was the most random weird funny as hell movie ever.
We got a puppy, My family and i have a thing for abandoned abused things. After I got adopted over a dozen people (with abusive parental historys) lived with my parents and I, I shared my room with tons of people. And its breathing down into me, Phils grandpa had neighbors who had a cute black laborador puppy, they randomly left one day and didnt feed the dog for weeks, phils grandpa fed it for as long as he could but couldnt do it forever, so we went to perry and got the puppy and it is currently living with us. Its name is shadow, its a girl, every time i play with it I just keep singing 46 and 2 by tool, specifically the lines about "my shadow, my shadow, change is coming through my shadow".
P.S. - apparently my blog is being viewed by more people than zero, so i have a reconciliation - Driving while under the influence of marijuana is not dangerous, in fact every experience i have had has increased concentration at the wheel, i will not do that anymore (im taking a break from the cheeba) but i just wanted to clarify to those who are scared.
I got to see the pistons play the hornets , it was awesome, The pistons won by ten (96-86), Rip hamilton was awesome, it was a great experience, i got a ben wallace jersey out of the deal.
So ive been reading a lot, (and i mean alot) about native americans and native americana. I dont think i disagree with the statemetn that the United States is a bunch of fuckers who needs to be kicked off the continent and then the planet. I was adopted into a native family who was adopted into an irish family, I belong to the culture of the Irish, Apache, and Cherokee, and i couldnt be prouder of my heritage. I am physically white, but i am more than proud about what my grandparents and great grandparents taught me, and it really aggravates me as to what happened to their relatives (and the ones i was adopted into relation to).
A Casey says peace